Nirvana 360

The main objective of Nirvana 360® is to support the therapies taken by a person and assist in their healing process or simply to be at peace and calm with oneself, with others and with God.

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The Nirvana 360 is a digital Prayer Wheel that helps you:


The Nirvana 360® is a simple to use system that will help you achieve true balance.


Con el Nirvana 360® podrás beneficiar todas las áreas de tu vida de forma integral y sostenida.


The Nirvana 360® has been developed so it can be used by everyone.



Nirvana 360® will work for you, your family, and whoever else you want to include.

Prayer wheel

A cylindrical container mounted on a spindle constructed of metal, wood, stone, leather, or cotton. Traditionally, the mantra 'Om Mani Padme Hum' is written on the outer surface of the wheel.

Prayers, mantras and petitions written on small sheets of paper are deposited there. It also sometimes has protective drawings and very often auspicious symbols.

According to Tibetan Buddhist tradition, spinning the wheel has the same meritorious effect as reciting prayers. There are many types of prayer wheels: Some operated manually, by water currents, by heat, by electricity...

And now we have…

The Nirvana 360® which is a digital prayer wheel operated by the hard drive of a computer…

It's very easy to use and you can learn to program in a few minutes… In addition, its 'Personal Edition' is fully functional and free!

Nirvana 360

Get to know the screens of Nirvana 360®

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