Equine bioresonance for stress reduction and energy cleansing.
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What can you do with our pEGASO system
- Essential Oils
- Acupuncture
- Addictions
- Food Additives
- Rare conditions
- Allergology
- Algology
- Auriculotherapy
- Ayurveda
- Biofrequencies
- Bioresonance
- Polymorphic fields
- Celiac Disease
- Stem Cells
- Chakras + Auric Fields
- Memory Circuits
- Family Constellations
- Cranio Sacral
- Crystal Therapy
- Chromotherapy
- Chronobiology
- Diagnosis By Tongue
- Electro Biology
- Epigenetics
- Flower Essences
- Neuro-Cerebral Stimulation
- Geopathic stresses
- Facial therapy
- Fertility
- Philias
- Bach Flowers
- Phobias
- Gynecology
- Haematology
- Oriental herbs
- Homeopatía
- Homeopathy
- Iridología
- Kybalion
- Manipuncture
- Acupuncture meridians
- Metaphysics
- Micro dose
- Neuralterapia
- Neuro Emotion
- Neuroanatomy
- German New Medicine
- Obesity
- Neurofocal Dentistry
- Chronic Conditions
- Osteopathy
- Bio-Magnetic Pairs
- Behavioral patterns
- Body electrical patterns
- Pediatrics
- Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
- Psychobiology
- Chinese Pulsology
- Radiology
- Face Reflexology
- Foot Reflexology
- Rejuvenation
- Cranio sacral therapy
- Toxicology
- Trophology
- Vitamin C Super Dose
- Zaps
Conozca las pantallas de interfaz del pEGASO
Conozca la caja de interfaz del pEGASO
Bioresonance is not recognized as a medical discipline because its results cannot be measured according to current standards, nor the existence of 'polymorphic information fields'. Thus, no medical claim whatsoever is made about any of our products. Only a licenced Medical Doctor may diagnose and refer to their clients as 'patients'.
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Be part of our team using the most advanced system technology for stress reduction and energy cleansing at your fingertips.